All items tagged with voice recognition and Baidu (10)
China Will Surpass the United States in Voice Control Front End Shipments in 2020
Amazon Announces Voice Interoperability Initiative with Leading Technology Companies
Smart Speaker Market to Reach 92 Million Units Shipped in 2019
China Smart Speaker Sales Surge Puts Baidu, Alibaba, Xiaomi In Reach of Amazon and Google
SAR Insight & Consulting Estimates 335 Million Voice Assistant Smart Devices in Use in China by 2023
Sensory Improves Wake Word and Speech Recognition Accuracy with New High-Res Voice Front-End and Authentication
Synaptics Teams up with Baidu in Launch of DuerOS Mobile Platform for Bluetooth Speakers, Headphones, and Wearables
Knowles Announces SmartMic Headset Development Kit for Baidu DuerOS
New Market Report on Voice Assistant Opportunities in Consumer Electronics
Teenage Engineering, Raven and Baidu's Collaboration on New Smart Speaker Concepts